The growth of algae, and the formation of biofilm on surfaces, are the naturally occurring effects of any liquid that remains untreated.

Without any action, the risk of losing crops and having a higher operational cost is unavoidable due to:

  • blockage of drip irrigation systems due to the formation of algae and slime
  • the growth of pathogenic bacteria or water molds such as phytophthora , fusarium oxysporum, agrobacterium, coliforms…
  • the continued growth of phytoplankton and algae in stagnant waters
  • the biofilm formation and subsequent scaling effects of calcium/magnesium and their salts. (like limestone on heat exchangers or UV-lamps)

The installation of ultrasound transducers at certain strategic locations can remove and prevent bio-fouling. The result is the removal of the ‘feeding ground’ and thus a reduction of the total colony forming units (cfu’s).

This again results in both positive economic and ecological effects by reducing:

chemicals/herbicides/fungicides/descalants/inhibitors or even antibiotics.

The European Union stimulates independence of chemical pesticides and herbicides, over time, they may only be used as a last resort solution.

The amount of installed ultrasound systems grows steadily, especially in the hydroculture and in combination with “sensitive growing techniques” such as NFT and MGS.

In addition to ultrasound, we also use other physical and chemical-free techniques to fight even more persistent problems.