
Chemical-free cleaning and biofilm prevention

We specialize in delivering the best available chemical-free solutions for:

  • Cleaning of wet surfaces and reducing  biofouling and reduction of microbiology in:
    • piping systems
    • above-and underground storage tanks
    • cooling towers
    • heat exchangers
  • Fighting (toxic)algae blooms in ponds and recreational waterbodies
  • Reducing biofouling on submerged marine structures.
  • Aerating water masses with micro/nanobubbles to fight aquatic hypoxia and to improve waste water recycling installations trough AOPs (Advanced Oxidation Processes)
  • Improving flux and MTBF on RO and active coal filtration systems.

Our emphasis is :

  • on the use of environmental acceptable techniques, methods and products
  • to avoid dismantling and installation downtime (optimize MTBF)
  • to act, if possible, both preventive and curative
  • to reduce or completely avoid the use of harmful chemicals like biocides, descalants or inhibitors

What general contamination usually comes down to is the formation of dynamic communities of surface-attached multi-species forming a “biofilm”.

All liquids contain free floating (planktonic) micro-organisms  and have the tendency to initiate bio-fouling on their contact surfaces. What follows is the formation of a biofilm that again will attract and accumulate more of contaminants.

In general,  biofouling (surface contamination) is removed manually or with (sometimes harmful) surface re-acting agents such as disinfectants, biocides or aggressive additives.

We made it our task to select and offer safer and more environmentally friendly methods like ultrasound, catalysts (NOA’s), biosignal technology, and others.


Our methods have the advantage of being :

  • able  to clean thoroughly and even into cracks and pores. They also  bypass the survival strategies of certain bacteria (the so called habituation and sensory adaptation).
  • used as CIP (Cleaning In Place) thus eliminating downtime and disassembling of installations.

Other advantages :

  • no (or very low) power consumption
  • the use of chemicals can be reduced or sometimes completely eliminated
  • systems can be custom build for a variety of applications
  • works preventive and in some cases also curative
  • no (or very low) maintenance required
  • in most cases, the organoleptic properties of the treated liquid are not changed (like texture, color and taste), making the treatment useful for the food-and beverage industries.

“Humans, animals and their environment request a change in mentality with regards to the use of chemicals and biocides”

Biofilms are nutrient-rich layers (often slimy) and grow virtually everywhere and in almost any environment where there is a combination of :

  • a liquid or moist environment
  • nutrients
  • a man-made or natural surface (the substrate)

In addition, optimal acidity and temperatures  +  stagnant water will even accelerate the growth.

For example, temperatures between 20 and 45°C already promote legionella growth while they proliferate best at temperatures between 32 and 35°C.

In particular, dead-legs or end pipes  are vulnerable for this bacterial build-up. Even desalinated, demineralized and UPW (Ultra Pure Water) can contribute to biofilm formation due to the presence of oligotrophs. (organism that can live in an environment that offers very low levels of nutrients)

On this website we concentrate on the applications where bacteria and/or perseverant biofilm formation is not desired due to economic, functional, esthetic or health reasons. (causing undesired smell, clogging, slime formation, toxic algal blooms, reduced heat transfer, etc…)

In essence, we prevent or remove the feeding ground of many micro-organisms with physical water treatment technologies.

The result is less scaling and a reduced CFU value, meaning  a more clean and sterile environment.

We offer both off-the-shelf products as well as customized and scalable systems whereby the efficiency can be measured to optimize the results needed.

Maritech offers a wide range of innovative products and solutions designed with your needs in mind.

Usage ranges from traditional domestic, recreational and industrial applications to more pioneering and newly emerging fields.